
classified 15

Please note: This was screened in May 2024

Luca Guadagnino
Mike Faist, Josh O'Connor, Zendaya
131 mins, 2024, USA
Primary language

Zendaya plays a tennis pro in the new ménage à trois sports drama from Luca Guadagnino (Call Me By Your Name, Bones and All).

Zendaya is Tashi Duncan, a former tennis prodigy-turned-coach and a force of nature who makes no apologies for her game on and off the court. Married to Art (Mike Faist), a champion on a losing streak, Tashi’s coaching strategy for her husband’s redemption takes a surprising turn when she signs him up for a ‘Challenger’ match against the washed-up Patrick (Josh O’Connor) – Art’s ex-best friend, and Tashi’s former lover. As the trio reunite, memories of their youthful love triangle arise and new feelings of jealousy, lust and betrayal come to the fore. Tashi must ask herself: what will it cost her to win?

One of the most feverishly anticipated films of the year, Challengers is a punchy, sensationally watchable blend of romance, comedy, tennis and high drama, both on and off court.

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