Sci Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder
Posted on Tue 16 Sept 2014
Take a giant leap into the world of Sci Fi with a series of out of this world screenings and event across Bristol and ClevedonEarthlings of Bristol and beyond - Sci Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder, the BFI's huge celebration of science fiction, the world's most popular film genre, has landed.
Take a giant leap into the world of Sci Fi with a series of out of this world screenings and event across Bristol and Clevedon
Earthlings of Bristol and beyond - Sci Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder, the BFI's huge celebration of science fiction, the world's most popular film genre, has landed.
Throughout October and continuing this month we've been beaming up a selection of films, music, events and workshops dedicated to sci fi wonders at venues across the city and more - from re-released classics to free family workshops, funktastic parties to seventies psychedelica, twinkling planetariums to UV ping pong - there's been plenty of out of this world experiences to explore.
Space isn't the final frontier, far from it - it's just the beginning. So don't be an alien - take a look at what's still in store below, and transport yourself to worlds that are, truly, unknown.
Film and Music Late Nights | Watershed
Music is a planet-sized part of almost all of the greatest science fiction movies ever and you’re in luck - we have a whole universe of Film and Music sci fi events coming up curated by Bristol’s very own AV pioneer DJ Cheeba (Ninja Tune/Solid Steel).
Cheeba himself will be taking to the decks to perform the premiere of his live score for Plan 9 From Outer Space (Fri 21 Nov 21:30), Ed Wood Jr’s sci-fi opus, one of the worst - and most loveable - films ever made, and Ollie Teeba (Herbaliser/Soundsci) presents an inspired re-imagining and homage to the mother of all alien invasion thrillers, sci fi classic War of the Worlds (Fri 28 Nov from 22:00).
Sci fi classics on the big screen | Watershed
Don't miss the opportunity to see the classic sci fi title on the big screen – 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick's 1968 meditation on mankind's future place in the universe is surely one of the most influential sci fi films of all time?