Unlikeable Female Characters: The Last Seduction
Still from The Last Seduction

Unlikeable Female Characters: The Last Seduction

classified 18

Reframing Film


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

John Dahl
Linda Fiorentino, Peter Berg, Bill Pullman
96 mins, 1994, USA

No one does it like Bridget Gregory. Hobbies include: money, sex, and messing with people's heads. A grifter with chic, monochrome dress sense, she absconds from her doofus husband Clay (Bill Pullman) with all of the money they made in a drug deal. Bored whilst in hiding, she shacks up with her “designated fuck”, a small-town guy who becomes enamoured with Bridget's blunt disposition.

In this cult neo-noir, Linda Fiorentino plays a hard-edged femme fatale with little subtlety and even less patience. Fiorentino's performance, which should be talked about in the same breath as Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity or Gene Tierney in Leave Her to Heaven, is a femme fatale unleashed, foul-mouthed and lascivious. A delight, really.

A 35mm print with thanks to Park Circus.

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