CITIZENFOUR - Edward Snowden

CITIZENFOUR Premiere + Satellite Q&A


Please note: This was screened in Oct 2014

Laura Poitras
Edward Snowden, William Binney, Glenn Greenwald
120 mins, Germany/USA

In January 2013, filmmaker Laura Poitras was several years into the making of a film about abuses of national security in post-9/11 America when she started receiving encrypted e-mails from someone identifying himself as "citizen four," who was ready to blow the whistle on the massive covert surveillance programs run by the NSA and other intelligence agencies. In June 2013, she and reporter Glenn Greenwald flew to Hong Kong for the first of many meetings with the man who turned out to be Edward Snowden. She brought her camera with her. The film that resulted from this series of tense encounters is absolutely unique in the history of cinema: a 100% real-life thriller unfolding minute by minute before our eyes.

This event cinema UK premiere will be followed by a Q&A transmitted live from the 58th BFI London Film Festival's special presentation at the Curzon Chelsea cinema in London.

Ticket prices: £10.00 full / £8.50 concessions.

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