The Green Prince - headshot

The Green Prince

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Dec 2014

Nadav Schirman
Mosab Hassan Yousef, Gonen Ben Yitzhak, Sheikh Hassan Yousef
95 mins, 2014, Germany/USA/UK/Israel

Set against the chaotic backdrop of recent events in the Middle East, Nadav Schirman’s stunning documentary retraces the incredible true story of Mosab Hassan Yousef – the son of one of the founders of Hamas who became an informant for the Israeli secret service – and his handler Gonen Ben Yitzhak, the Shin Ben agent who risked his career to protect him. The Green Prince (named after Mosab’s Israeli codename) juggles archive footage with elegant reconstructions, while clearing centre stage for engrossing testimonials from both Mosab and Yitzhak, who go into forensic detail about the journey their relationship has taken and the conflicting impulses they have experienced. Embroidering a tangled web of intrigue, terror and betrayal, Schirman’s film (produced by the Oscar®-winning team behind Man on Wire and Searching for Sugar Man and winner of the Audience Award at Sundance) is as gripping as any high concept Hollywood thriller and as psychologically knotty as a Greek tragedy. It is thrilling, complex stuff – you won’t be surprised to hear that a film version (with actors) is already in the works…

Ticket prices: Screenings before 16:00: £5.50 full / £4.00 concessions. Screenings after 16:00: £8.00 full / £6.50 concessions.

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