Tea & Sangria

Tea & Sangria

classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in April 2015

Peter Domankiewicz
Peter Domankiewicz, Ángela Boix, Daniel Albaladejo
110 mins, Subtitled, 2014, UK/Spain

Love-struck Londoner David drops everything and makes for Madrid to be with his Spanish sweetheart Marisa, but quickly finds himself dumped, dazed and confused in a land and a language very different from his own. With the help of some lively and outrageous locals, David immerses himself in Latin life and discovers (with a few complications along the way) that in order to love a Spanish woman you first have to learn to love Spain. A charming romp through romance, rejection and culture shock, this romantic comedy plays like a cinematic love letter to Madrid.

Followed by a Q&A with Director and lead actor Peter Domankiewicz.

Join us for a free After Party in the Café/Bar after the screening, featuring Spanish themed food and music from Flamenco guitarist David Nash. Ticket holders get priority entry!

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