Where is my Friends House?

Where is my Friend's House?

classified PG S

part of Masters of Iranian Cinema


Please note: This was screened in June 2015

Abbas Kiarostami
Babek Ahmed Poor, Ahmed Ahmed Poor, Kheda Barech Defai
83 mins, Subtitled, 1987, Iran

This launched Abbas Kiarostami (Certified Copy, Close Up) onto the world stage, heralded the arrival of Iranian neo-realism, and set the prototype for Iranian "kid quest" movies. Nominally the story of a young boy who must return his friend's notebook he took by mistake, in case his friend is punished by being expelled from school.

On one level this moving story reveals a society rooted in authoritarian demands, but also reminds us how children can be easily damaged by the responsibilities of the grown-up world. A beautiful tale of friendship, this deceptively simple gem has the rigour and haunting resonance of Kiarostami’s best work.

Love Iranian cinema? Then don't miss A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, opening Fri 22 May.

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