Salt of the Earth

Salt of the Earth

classified 12A S

Please note: This was screened in Aug 2015

Juliano Ribeiro Salgado, Wim Wenders
Sebastião Salgado, Wim Wenders, Juliano Ribeiro Salgado
110 mins, & Subtitled, 2014, France | Brazil | Italy

For the past forty years, Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado has travelled through the continents in the footsteps of an ever-changing humanity, documenting some of the most horrific and catastrophic events on our planet - famine, disease, deprivation, war and genocide - as well as the stunning enduring, courage and nobility of those who face it. He is one of the most recognisable names in photojournalism (it was him who took the iconic panoramic shot of 50,000 men working without machines in an enormous gold mining pit), and his photographs are harrowing, beautiful and awe-inspiring.

This documentary (co-directed by Wim Wenders and Salgado's son Juliano) is a look back at his life's work, as Salgado shares the stories behind his pictures, as well as a look at his current project focusing on the planet's beauty. Be transported on a stunning visual odyssey - see the world through the eyes of one of the greatest image-makers of the last century.

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