Inside Out

Inside Out

classified U

Please note: This was screened in Nov 2015

Pete Docter, Ronaldo Del Carmen
Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, Lewis Black
102 mins, 2015, USA

Join us for Disney Pixar’s entertaining and emotionally-intelligent Inside Out this October half term, as part of the Bristol Family Arts Festival.

Like all of us, 11-year-old Riley is guided by her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness - who all live in Headquarters, the control centre inside Riley's mind, where, led by Joy, they help advise her through everyday life. When Riley’s family move to San Francisco, her world is turned upside-down. Just as Riley and her emotions are struggling to adjust to their new life, in the confusion, Joy and Sadness are inadvertently swept into the far reaches of Riley's mind, leaving Fear, Anger and Disgust in control. How will Riley cope with only them around? Will Joy and Sadness make it back to HQ?

With its sparkling visuals, exciting adventures and unforgettable moments Inside Out is an instant classic for audiences young and old, but more than that - it’s heartfelt psychology for all the family.

Come and connect with the film’s themes of love and positive mental health in a fun and playful way at our special event on Sun 1 Nov, our Inside Out-inspired Love Tea Dance with A Difference in the Café/Bar. Get your tickets to the Sun 1 Nov 13:00 screening, and after the film (15:00 - 17:30) families and friends can join us for an afternoon of colourful, interactive games and activities inspired by the film. The Love Tea Dance is completely FREE and you can drop-in for as long or as little as you like.

More family fun this half-term... Join us for a remastered compilation of the best bits of the little-known but absolutely brilliant BBC tv series The Big Knights (Fri 23 - Thu 29 Oct), which is made by the talented creators of Peppa Pig and narrated by Brian Blessed and others.

Inside Out is part of the Bristol Family Arts Festival. Watershed is part of a network of arts organisations in the city who are working together to bring you lots of great quality Family Arts Festival events, as part of the National Family Arts Festival.

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