Found in: The Rooms
Orion: The Man Who Would be King @ The Rooms Festival

Orion: The Man Who Would be King @ The Rooms Festival

classified 12A

The Rooms - A Playground for New Ideas


Please note: This was screened in Nov 2015

Jeanie Finlay
90 mins, 2015

Join us for the opening night of The Rooms, a Playground for New Ideas we'll be inviting you into from Fri 6 - Sat 7 Nov.

From battling robots and fabulous beasts, to an interactive light garden, a haunted study and enchanted library, this is your chance to get lost in a bio-activated maze, contemplate the future of death, dance with Elvis and reimagine our digtal future through talks, workshops, films and house parties. We've taken over the old Firestation, Magistrates Courts and Police Station on Silver Street and we want you to come and explore with us.

This film screening is part of The Rooms' two magical days. It is the story of Jimmy Ellis - an unknown singer plucked from obscurity and thrust into the spotlight as part of a crazy scheme that had him masquerade as Elvis back from the grave.

With an outlandish fictional identity torn from the pages of the novel Orion by Gail Brewer Giorgio, the backing of the legendary birthplace of rock 'n' roll Sun Records and a voice that seemed to be the very twin of Presley's himself, the scheme - concocted in the months after Presley's death exploded into a cult success - and the 'Elvis is alive' myth was begun.

Borne by his incredible voice, Jimmy - as the masked and rhinestoned Orion - gained the success he'd always craved, the women he always desired and the adoration of screaming masses (many of whom remained in wilful denial about the true identity of their idol), but it wasn't enough… With his contract stipulating he never remove his mask in public, Ellis’ success came at a high price for the singer still hoping to succeed on his own terms.

This fascinating documentary revels in the manipulative schemes of the music industry, the truth and lies at the heart of the story, the allure of fantasy, and the eternal search for identity.

Orion proves that fact is, indeed, 'stranger than fiction'. This is the story behind that story. Who was that masked man?

After the film stay with us - our friends at The Invisible Circus will be making a particularly spectacular appearance - then grab your blue suede shoes and prepare to do the Jailhouse rock at our Elvis is ALIVE! House Party (for those age 18+) from 21:30 - late. Who knows, maybe even the great man himself will make an appearance?

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