Sunset Song

Sunset Song

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Dec 2015

Terence Davies
Agyness Deyn, Peter Mullan, Kevin Guthrie
135 mins, 2015, UK

Terence Davies’s long-cherished adaptation of Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s classic Scottish novel is finally here: a lush romantic drama that is a tour de force of acting, composition and colour.

Agyness Deyn plays Chris Guthrie, the independent-minded, bookish daughter of a family in north-east Scotland, who all live under the violent oppression of a tyrannical father (Peter Mullan). As the constellation of her family shifts around her and romance (in the shape of a local farmer played by Kevin Guthrie) comes calling, Chris grows into womanhood just as the First World War begins to cruelly devastate a generation - will her joy be short-lived? A true Scottish epic (Winter’s Bone cinematographer Michael McDonough’s work is alarmingly beautiful), Sunset Song laments the devastation of war while at the same time celebrating the power of family, community and the land.

We’re getting a new kitchen in December

Throughout December the builders will be in to fit our new kitchen. We will still have a Soups and Sharing Platters menu and the bar will be open as usual but as the kitchen will be closed Cinebites is going to take a month’s break. Find out more here, including details of the schedule of work. Thank you for your patience in advance.

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