

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Feb 2016

Lenny Abrahamson
Brie Larson, Jacob Tremblay, Sean Bridgers
118 mins, 2015, Ireland/Canada

Director Lenny Abrahamson (Frank, What Richard Did) demonstrates again his talent for cutting to the heart of irreversible moral choices with this stunning adaptation of Emma Donoghue’s harrowing novel about survival and endurance, as a mother and her child escape from the captivity they have been held in for several years.

Bed, Lamp, Skylight, Rug... These are the things that five-year-old Jack’s (Jacob Tremblay) physical world is comprised of. Born in captivity, he knows nothing of the world beyond the shed to which he and his Ma (Brie Larson) are confined. Only seventeen when she was stolen away to this grim place, her and Jack’s only visitor is Old Nick (Sean Bridgers), her kidnapper. Despite this she is absolutely determined to raise Jack properly, employing all the care and imagination she can muster to keep her son educated, healthy and happy. But when a window of opportunity presents itself, allowing the pair to devise a precarious plan of escape, they are forced to return to (and discover the wonders, horrors and choices of) the world they left behind.

With exceptional performances from its young cast, this is a disturbing depiction of life in captivity, the resilience of young minds and the bonds of parenthood. A visionary piece of filmmaking that explores vividly the trauma of being stolen from the world - and the marvel of discovering it for the first time.

  • The screenings of Room on Tue 2 Feb are part of our Cinébites deal: Get 30% off any main dish in the Café/Bar with a valid cinema ticket.

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