Everybody Wants Some!!
BSL translation

Everybody Wants Some!!

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in June 2016

Richard Linklater
Blake Jenner, Ryan Guzman, Tyler Hoechlin
116 mins, 2016, USA

In this spiritual sequel to his much loved slacker hit Dazed and Confused, Richard Linklater (Boyhood) cuts loose with an achingly perceptive and riotously funny look back at 1980s college dorm life, as a group of rowdy young freshmen take their first (not so tentative) steps into the freedoms and responsibilities of unsupervised adulthood.

It’s 1980 and Jake (Blake Jenner), a promising young baseball pitcher is starting his university freshman year. Moving into a run-down dorm, he is greeted with an uneasy mix of camaraderie and hostility from his sophomore teammates. But with just three days to waste together before the start of a new school year; there’s plenty of time to indulge in a spot of pot smoking, disco dancing, knuckle flicking, skirt chasing and other forms of competitive male sport before the real work starts. And with their innate lust for life and the natural competition it engenders, it's a seemingly endless pursuit of sex, fame and social supremacy in life’s big melting pot where everything's possible and everybody wants some.

Demonstrating again a command of the rhythms of youthful slackerdom that is anything but lazy, Linklater has delivered a refreshing, easy and cool film about love, friendship, and those dreamy summer nights before the bell rings for class... this is a party you want to be invited to.

  • The screening of Everybody Wants Some!! on Tue 31 May is part of our Cinébites deal: get 30% off any main dish in the Café/Bar with a valid cinema ticket.

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