Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach

Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in June 2016

Louise Osmond
Ken Loach
90 mins, 2016, UK

Documentarian Louise Osmond (Dark Horse, Deep Water) delivers a funny, provocative and revealing account of the life and career of British director Ken Loach, looking back at over 50 years of filmmaking.

This year Ken Loach will celebrate his 80th birthday, release his 50th major work (the forthcoming feature - and Cannes Palme D'Or winner - I, Daniel Blake), and commemorate the 50th anniversary of his landmark TV drama Cathy Come Home. One of the most determinedly political filmmakers in the history of cinema – and certainly the most committed this country has ever seen – he has been, and remains, an unswerving champion of the British working class. His quest for truth, for revealing society's hidden agendas, for giving a voice to the insulted and injured - evident throughout all his films - paints a picture of a body of work with an admirable consistency of vision and of a man with a steely will and an utter determination to plough his own straight fearless furrow, whatever rocks he runs into.

Much more than just a document of his work, this is a playful study on the process and struggles he faced in forging such a unique career. Loach’s own dedication to realism knew no bounds and in that tradition this is a surprisingly candid behind-the-scenes account of one of Britain's most celebrated and controversial filmmakers.

  • Loach fans! - also don't miss the chance to see his debut feature Poor Cow which screens from Fri 24 June for at least one week. If you book a ticket online for Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach we'll send you a code to get 10% off online tickets for Poor Cow.

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