Where to Invade Next

Where to Invade Next

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in June 2016

Michael Moore
Michael Moore
120 mins, 2015, USA

Oscar®-winning director Michael Moore is back with what might be his most provocative and hilarious film yet: Moore tells the Pentagon to 'stand down' - he will do the invading for America from now on.

Six years since Capitalism: A Love Story and with another US election around the corner, Moore delivers a fresh surprise that feels current yet perfectly timeless. Filming abroad without drawing attention from American media, he brings us an expansive, hilarious and subversive film that confronts the most pressing issues facing America today. Given the United States' - shall we say... mixed - results at invading countries, could they do a better job? This is the premise that sends Moore on his epic journey.

Moore's bold experiment manages to take 'invasion' outside of war, conflict and economics - and transform it into his version of a more kind, gentle and humorous appropriation of social and moral values.

  • The screening of Where To Invade Next on Tue 14 June is part of our Cinébites deal: get 30% off any main dish in the Café/Bar with a valid cinema ticket.

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