Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Hunt for the Wilderpeople

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in Dec 2016

Taika Waititi
Sam Neill, Julian Dennison, Rima Te Wiata
101 mins, 2016, New Zealand

The hilarious latest from What We Do In The Shadows director Taika Waititi is a goofy mash up of coming of age tale, buddy comedy, boys adventure and survivalist film about a foster kid who triggers a massive manhunt when he escapes to the New Zealand bush.

Ricky (Julian Dennison) is a hip hop loving, trash-talking orphan who is sent to start a new life in rural New Zealand with a foster family - loving Bella (Rima Te Wiata), who adores him, and her gruff partner Hec (Sam Neill), who doesn't quite share her enthusiasm. When events threaten to return Ricky into care he bounds off into the bush with his dog Tupac. Hec finds him, but a series of disasters keep the mismatched duo trekking in the wilderness for months, and a national manhunt involving bounty hunters, the police and the army - ensues...

Wise, generous and very, very funny, Hunt for the Wilderpeople is a lush blend of effortless backwoods laughs and true sentiment - let yourself run away with the heart it wears very much on its sleeve.

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