The Fits

The Fits

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in March 2017

Anna Rose Holmer
Royalty Hightower, Alexis Neblett, Antonio A.B. Grant Jr.
72 mins, 2015, USA

This gripping, hallucinatory tale of adolescent mass hysteria is a psychological portrait of 11-year-old Toni (Royalty Hightower), a tomboy assimilating into a tight-knit dance team in Cincinnati, whose members suffer from terrifying episodes known as 'the fits'.

Toni trains as a boxer with her brother, but finds herself torn between the masculine world of the boxing gym and next door, where dance group The Lionesses practice. Drawn to their strength and confidence, Toni eventually joins the group, rehearsing routines, befriending the girls, and even piercing her ears to fit in. But when some of the girls start experiencing mysterious fits of shaking and fainting, Toni's desire for acceptance becomes ever more complicated...

With little dialogue and at a trim 72 minutes, we are pulled into Toni's world using sound, music, colours and, most of all, movement. The result is a dreamy coming of age film, one with hefty doses of magical realism and mystery that will keep you under its very unique spell.

Presented as part of Bristol 2017 European City of Sport in partnership with This Girl Can.

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