slack bay, beach

Slack Bay

classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in June 2017

Bruno Dumont
Fabrice Luchini, Juliette Binoche, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi
122 mins, Subtitled, 2016, France | Germany | Belgium

Bruno Dumont takes a shift in tone from his previous films (Petit Quinquin, Camille Claudel 1915) in this darkly funny period caper starring an amazing cast of French actors.

In a postcard-perfect seaside village in 1910, an eccentric (to put it mildly) leisure-class family whiles away the summer. But something troubling is afoot: what's behind the string of tourists who have mysteriously gone missing? Starring Juliette Binoche, Fabrice Luchini and Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, this oddball mix of slapstick and detective story combines young love, witty dialogue, gender-bending identity crises and a dash of old-fashioned cannibalism thrown in for good measure... enjoy!

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