Patti Cake$

Patti Cake$

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Sept 2017

Geremy Jasper
Danielle Macdonald, Bridget Everett, Siddharth Dhananjay
109 mins, 2017, USA

Straight outta New Jersey comes Patricia Dombroswki aka Patti Cakes, a white, plus-size aspiring rapper who must fight through a world of strip malls and strip clubs in an unlikely quest for glory in this, one of the year's most joyous films.

A huge breakout hit at Sundance, this debut from director Geremy Jasper introduces us to the world of Patricia "Patti Cakes" Dombrowski (a force of nature performance from Danielle Macdonald), who spends her days rapping and daydreaming. When she meets outsider Basterd, she assembles her ragtag crew and ignores the haters telling her to dream a little smaller - is hip hop superstardom around the corner?

Full of head-nodding beats and infectious energy, we dare you not to fall in love with the film and its one-of-a-kind hero.

Presented in partnership with Raise The Bar with support from Film Hub South West & West Midlands, part of the Film Audience Network, awarding funds from the National Lottery.

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