Fun Palace Weekend

Fun Palace Weekend


Please note : this season finished in Oct 2014

Welcome on board the Mothershed

Our Fun Palace weekend is about you, our audience, telling us what you'd like see. Inspired by the nationwide Fun Palaces initiative, we have been asking you for your ideas about how we can transform Watershed into a Science Fiction wonderland. Built out of the fantastic ideas we have gathered from you, it's now time to welcome you to The Mothershed, a free celebration of science, art, and most importantly, fun. Step aboard, grab the controls and steer us into the intergalactic unknown.

Can you tell a story in 400 words or less? What will Bristol look like in 2214 and how will we live work and play? Young people aged 14-18 and 18-24 can free their minds at by creating super short sci fi stories at our free Flash Fiction Workshops on Saturday afternoon led by acclaimed writer Courttia Newland.

On Saturday evening, join us on The Mothershed in your most futuristic gear for an otherworldly late-night party, featuring incredible music and activities, straight out of space - with prizes awarded to the best dressed. We've also got an early evening performance from The Cube Cinema Orchestra who will be playing in the Café/Bar and our special Blind Date surprise Sci-Fi film screening!

On Sunday we welcome earthlings of all ages for an afternoon of sci-fi adventuring. What will you find on The Mothershed ship? A few friendly robots, a musical dance floor, astonishing contraptions from the mad scientists at Bristol Hackspace, as well as incredible workshops that will blast your imagination into unexplored futures.

All the events in our Fun Palaces Weekend have been conceived and inspired by you and your brilliant minds and are totally FREE! There is so much for you to get involved in, please do beam up whenever you like.

Previous screenings & events in this season

Sunday On The Mothershed

Fun Palace Weekend
Fun Palace Weekend: Sunday On The Mothershed
Please note: This event took place in Oct 2014

On Sunday we welcome earthlings of all ages for aboard The Mothershed ship for an afternoon of sci-fi adventuring. What will you find? A few friendly robots, a musical dance floor, astonishing contraptions and incredible workshops - and all of it free!

Blind Date with Sci-Fi

Fun Palace Weekend
Blind Date with Sci-Fi
Please note: This was screened in Oct 2014

Fun Palaces is all about what you choose to see, which is why tonight you are programming the cinema. In response to the suggested film titles we found in our Fun Palace suggestion box, we've put the top four titles up to the public vote - which will it be be?

Saturday On The Mothershed

Fun Palace Weekend
Fun Palace Weekend: Saturday On The Mothershed
Please note: This event took place in Oct 2014

On Saturday evening, join us on The Mothershed - your ride into intergalactic unknown. Don your most futuristic gear for our otherworldly late-night party featuring incredible music and activities, straight out of space - with prizes awarded to the best dressed plus a surprise screening!

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