Digital Art Gallery

Cafe & Bar

This Gallery and Archive represents 24 years of work that Watershed has co-created, partnered on and commissioned. It presents work that spans the period of time when we started talking of a digital revolution – the democratisation of artistic and creative activity from across our communities in its many and varied forms, to more recent work that explores creativity as we look to a more uncertain future.

A pixellated digital image of small tree-covered islands floating in a blue sky
Our work

Gathering Moss is a digital landscape, created in 2021, of artistic ideas made in response to the climate emergency. It presents ideas online, to provoke net-zero acts within the real world.

Photo of Layered Realities 5G showcase in Millennium Square Bristoltol
The world's first urban 5G testbed for public users

An exploration of the potential of 5G through a series of experimental events - asking artists, researchers and creatives to produce bold new works in public space.

Light Up Bristol
Length: 5m 3s

This short film by AntiVJ captures the alternative epic Christmas lights show which transformed the façade of Bristol’s Council House.

Dream Director installation
Our work

A multi-user interactive installation developed by Luke Jerram, recipient of the 6th Clark Bursary, which audiences experienced during their sleep.