Watch Films > 2009 > Last Minute

Last Minute

by Pedro Suárez

A fast-paced chronicle of the demise of a marriage, from "It's perfect" to "It's over."

11 Comments for “Last Minute”

  • Trevor Hardy says:

    That was so good, absolutly brilliant…if that does not win this year then you guys will have been robbed.


  • an anonymous reviewer says:

    Just loved it! The edition is great, the cast also… you really get into it…

  • lorena says:

    primo me gusto muchisimo, no se nada de este tipo de arte pero me parecio super bueno =) espero que ganes!!!! tienes mi voto!!!
    besos y abrazos!!!!

  • maria says:

    It was fantastic!! I really like this one!! I used to go to places in London and see FutureShorts and this is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The script is great and everything works really well. I’ve really enjoyed it.

    Gracias Pedro =)

  • Claudia Grajales says:

    Great and refreshing I loved it!!! very fresh and to the point… good job!!!!

  • an anonymous reviewer says:

    I just left a rather ranting comment on another short about the lack of originality in the past few years of Depict shortlists – well I have to take it back in the case of this film! Excellent work, you’ve nailed the pace, the story and captured a lifetime. Easily my winner.

  • an anonymous reviewer says:

    Muchas felicidades, bien pensado y realizado con inteligencia y precisión. Ojalá ganes. Necesitamos mexicanos inteligentes como tú.

  • Shaheer says:

    This should win!
    Fantastic, and so original! In just 90 seconds your presented a life of a couple!

  • Shanine says:

    That was fantastic! Really inspired me to enter this year!

  • Olivia says:

    I’ve just watched this and it is a complete rip off from a scene of the 1999 movie “The Story of Us” starring Bruce Willis and Michelle Pfeiffer. I hope you didn’t intentionally copy the scene but its disconcerting that it is pretty much frame for frame. The scene of silence at the dinner table is also in the movie.

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