Watch Films > 2009 > Plot


by George Sander-Jackson

In the heart of the city, behind green metal fences, the cycle of growth carries on regardless.

4 Comments for “Plot”

  • Beales says:

    Have never seen anything like this – what fantastic images and the way the sounds were incorporated was incredible.

  • an anonymous reviewer says:

    I thought this was really beautiful, and the way the sound was used really adds something special.

  • an anonymous reviewer says:

    Loved the animation and the use of “industrial” sound was excellent.

  • Diana Korchien says:

    George, it would be interesting to know whether you intended to use the sound in an ambiguous manner. Certainly my response to it was to simultaneously feel that the unfolding power of the root systems and the seedlings was reflected in the sound of the omnipresent traffic. So the sound was at one and the same time an intrusion into the peaceful world of the allotment and a representation of the incredible power of organic life.

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