Watch Films > 2009 > The Rabbit Hole

The Rabbit Hole

by James Cook

A man. His dog. A topsy-turvy tunnel.

6 Comments for “The Rabbit Hole”

  • Craig says:

    As with all these DepicT! entries they are very well made, look great and showcase a great deal of skill. However, every year I watch the shortlist and every year I leave disappointed there are no Horror, Exploitation or Shockumentary films in the running.

    The Rabbit Hole is the closest thing to an unsettling watch I’ve seen but its still a bit too much like an Aphex Twin video for my liking.

    This movie gets my vote but DepicT! needs to grow a pair and show some sleaze now and again.

  • an anonymous reviewer says:

    I totally agree with Craig. This is the best of the bunch, but still it smacks of being made by a recent film graduate who has spent the past 3 years feasting on Chris Cunningham. Same for the others, they stink of Requiem for a dream, Oldboy, Luis Bunuel et all. Its tiring! Wheres the stuff that actually pushes boundaries and originality? Every year is the same. Lets see something new!

  • an anonymous reviewer says:

    well, reading your comment there i have to say that your a bit harsh in your feedback.. i dont see those parallels..thats just my opinion.. i think the films are great and each one stands on its own.. why dont you make something better for next year, you seem to know about whats original.. get pushing those boundaries.. cant wait to see what you come up with 😉

    great stuff guys..

  • paul says:

    keep on knockin’ em out jack, well done matey, north east is where its at!!

  • sean Kelly says:

    Funky! Can I look forward to an extended version?

  • Paddy says:

    Is there an homage to the famous Trinity wall-running scene in The Matrix?

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