Watch Films > 2010 > TAP


by Andrew Edwards, Patrick Fowler and Thomas Massey

52 Comments for “TAP”

  • Sam Moore says:

    Brilliant, love this! Well done xx

  • billy says:

    pretty good

  • claire evans says:

    top stuff…!

  • Nici says:

    Love it! Fantastic – Go wlv!

  • Andrew says:

    Hope you all like it! Thanks DepicT! πŸ™‚

  • Alice says:

    Brilliant! Very creative πŸ™‚ Well done!

  • Christian Edwards says:

    very well done! shows a lot of original ideas! good stuff! x

  • Gladys Chard says:

    Very well done – remember us when you’re all famous!!

  • Paul & Gay says:

    Very creative and original. Can’t wait to see the next episode!x

  • Tom says:

    Awesome! glad you all like it so much πŸ˜€

  • Fitz says:

    McCoys will be glad of the free advertising. Kind of so, so. But then again, what is up against?

  • Jai Varma says:

    hey gr8 work guys…is was a gud clip……

  • bob says:

    It was good, great work from the creators!

  • davey d says:

    I love the idea of making ideas come to life. good work

  • amber says:

    wow this is awesome! i mean, how the heck were these guys able to create something so cool, real original too, well done!

  • Craig says:

    I think this is a fantastic idea! Would love to see the concept on a larger scale πŸ™‚ Well done!

  • Tabby says:

    this is just awesome :3

  • Craig E says:

    This is really original and creative. I would like to see this one win, well done lads πŸ™‚

  • Pimms says:

    That’s absolutely fantastic! Highly creative, and by far the best of these fifteen videos.

  • Jenny says:

    Brilliant! love the style of the animation

  • Catherine Conroy says:

    TOTALLY AND UTTERLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can’t wait to see that movie when it finally comes out XP


  • Ben O'Brien says:

    Realy original and creative idea’s. What better than a pint and a few explosions!

  • carla says:

    creative, orginal!!! I love it

  • Jay Riding says:

    Very creative, and the best of the videos i have seen.Deserves to win!!!!!

  • Mary prince says:

    There wasn’t an end… I like the one about the villan better but that’s just my personal opinion. Well done anyway…

  • Andy says:

    There wasn’t an end? I suppose you’re doomed to watch it forever then πŸ˜‰

  • Simon Clarke says:

    I like mixture of animation over live action and the short attention span at the end! Typical students going for another pint! (OBVIOUS ENDING!) Would like to see something on a larger scale though. Could also sharpen the picture quality and maybe have the ideas interacting more with each other? Overall, I give it a 7/10, bit more straight forward than some of the other films and nice fluid animation.

  • Herbert Powell says:

    Interesting idea and setting, thoughtful use of animation too!

  • Mr R4! Webster says:

    A wsome
    N ovel
    I nventive
    M ovie
    A nimation
    T o
    E xacting
    D etail

    Well all in all I really liked this, Best of luck Guys πŸ™‚ >^,,^^..^<

  • Matt says:

    Unfortunately I have seen so many student films about trying to think of an idea for a film that this does nothing for me.

  • Matt says:

    I think they should have made the spy film with the solid gold rocket car. Although the density and malleability of solid gold makes it a poor choice of metal for building a rocket car out of. Still be cool though.

  • Sarah Baldwin says:

    The solid gold rocket car obviously wouldn’t work and buildings don’t get attacked by monsters….Matt. I’ve also seen films about people pondering ideas, but not one were their ideas come to life. Well done guys! good imagination, which is vital for this competition! x

  • Bristol Film Maker says:

    I agree with Matt on this one. A solid gold car is a ridiculous idea. It would be far too conspicuous for a spy. Gold also has a low melting point so putting a rocket on it is just asking for trouble. I wonder who you would sell it to… or cash4gold…spoilt for choice really.

    There is always a film about trying come up with an idea. It is a stereotypical student cliche much like starting a film with an alarm clock and waking up and finding it was all a dream. This is a good take on it but the unoriginal concept actually shows a lack of imagination.

  • Jeff Hughes says:

    A solid gold rocket car wouldn’t work but I think they might have been taking this piss out of James Bond a bit and his lavish cars. Also, if you had listened to what they say, it was only an idea, which is why they interrupt with their own ideas instead. Be nice to see them highlighting the negatives of each others their ideas, like you all seem to do. The solid gold rocket could melt and loads of other stuff happen. Well done guys, good luck at Depict, thought provoking stuff!.

  • Sharon says:

    Haha! I loved that. The animation is really lovely and I like how it all takes place on and around the table as they’re talking about it. Nice touch at the end! As said above, typical students!!

  • Steve says:

    Top hole chaps, or should I say tap hole?

    Well done on DepicT, remember me when you’re famous!

  • Sharon W says:

    This film really stands out in my eyes. There is some great competition here but I think this is unique and I hope it does well. I look forward to discovering the winner! Very well done! πŸ™‚

  • Anna says:

    I like the simple and effective style of animation used. I think the setting and the idea are clever! It’s as if you’re eavesdropping on these students and this is just an everyday chat and a drink at the pub. Well done!

  • Rose says:

    I think this a very interesting entry, you capture a playful mood and bring your imaginations to life. A fun and down to earth animation expressing your lives as students and a very honest, humourous approach to the subject of animation itself.
    I believe many are taking the gold car and the monster far too seriously, after all isnt animation about fun and expression and imagination? I believe this film conveys all of those qualities, and as the only one that raised a smile from me I believe it certainly deserves to do well at the festival. Good luck TAP.

  • Bristol Film Maker says:

    I don’t think anyone is taking the gold car or the monster seriously.

  • Bristol Film Maker says:

    I think people are taking our conversation about the scientific legitimacy of a solid gold rocket car too seriously.

  • Phil Addison (Friend of Paul & Gay Edwards) says:

    I liked it a lot. The setting was original (to me) and it showed a number of animation styles. It kept the viewer interested, not only with the ideas discussed but also with the little asides too. Well done.

  • ppowell says:

    Great little film, sack the camera guy and you would be onto a winner.

  • Jay T says:

    Great work here! liked the animation very much.. a quirky idea! Hope this does well.

  • Hayley says:

    Sweet πŸ˜€ Nice film πŸ™‚ Good luck at the awards! This should do well! x

  • Han says:

    I love this πŸ™‚ Really nice style and idea… I love the little rain cloud and the car! Good luck.

  • Dan says:

    Nice animation, I think it really works well πŸ™‚

  • Tony says:

    Original and very creative. Technicaly very good. Best of luck chaps.

  • William Westaway says:

    Nice idea, it all worked. However it would’ve been nice to see some progression with the ideas or a more obvious ending – I didnt get it when some guy said about getting a pint at the end when there was 3/4 of a pint there?

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s simple, it’s nice. First half is novelty, I thought ‘winning material’… ending was, oh right it’s just more of the same. Could have been cleverer.

  • Nathan says:

    If only pub was that much fun! Loved it!

  • Kjersti says:

    This was really, really great! I loved it! πŸ™‚

  • Ellie the great and Connie says:


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