Watch Films > 2010 > The Neighbourhood Shops are Where the Heart Is

The Neighbourhood Shops are Where the Heart Is

by Edwin Soedarmadji

5 Comments for “The Neighbourhood Shops are Where the Heart Is”

  • billy says:

    nice drawings but couldnt pay attention to the story/voiceover

  • Nigel says:

    i agree with billy: nice drawing, but i also disagree with him: the story is quite easy to follow (compared to reading subtitles!)

  • Dan says:


  • William Westaway says:

    So sorry, lost after 20 seconds. It was so fast I didn’t understand it. I loved what you were trying to do, nice idea – cool chickens, lovely animation.

  • Peter says:

    Could have done without the voice over and turned the volume to Oscar Peterson a notch higher! Good work

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