Watch Films > 2011 > The Existential Pleading of the Inner Heart

The Existential Pleading of the Inner Heart

by The Brothers McLeod

25 Comments for “The Existential Pleading of the Inner Heart”

  • Niamh says:

    I love it! Really fantastic, original and somehow very relatable!

  • pppplaaaasttt says:

    why is all like that????
    we are nor all from britain!!!!!!

  • Adam says:

    Pppplaaaasttt, please stop saying that – first of all, they are not all from britain, second of all, if a lot of the british films are good, they shouldn’t be discriminated against just because they are british and a lot of the films shortlisted are british. That doesn’t make sense. The encounters film festival is in Bristol, in britain. So there are probably a lot more british entries than foreign, the fact that there are two foreign films on the shortlist surprised me, and in fact that percentage of foreign films on the shortlist is probably fairly representative of the number of foreign entries. So stop spamming videos with your jealousy that you did not get shortlisted, and grow up, and enjoy the films. That is what we are here for.

    GREAT ANIMATION. Loved it.

  • steve dexter says:

    A nice short. Well done. I enjoyed it. And that pppplaaaasttt bloke seems to be jelous his film wasn’t as good as yours. I also entered a film that was not selected but that’s because yours is better than mine…

  • RB says:

    Loved it, great sense of humour and pacing, thoroughly deserves to be here and I hope it goes further.

  • Wibbles says:

    Yes, much better, but are they from Britain, the Midlands perhaps? The Brothers McLeod are professionals and it shows, thank funk there’s something with a little credibilty and thought on here. Shame they’re from these shores, they lose – a million votes from me for that.

  • Richard says:

    it has “youtube partner video” written all over it

  • KG says:

    thought provoking!

  • Michele says:

    Very funny and incisive.

  • Bob says:

    feeling a bit ill but you made me laugh. good work.

  • Megan says:

    This is fantastic! I like how small the animations are even though the screen is fairly large in comparison. It’s set out beautifully and I love the innocent honesty. YEAH!

  • Jode Steele says:

    ★★★★★ “Would make Nietzsche’s super-ego ROFL!”

  • Sundeep Toor says:

    Love this! Great entry! 😀

  • ebd says:

    This was really helpful, not only in making me almost collapse with laughter, but handily as a quote source for an Essay at Uni!

  • Ben W says:

    Absolutely fantastic!

  • Heather says:

    Less is more. Simple. Yet brilliant!

  • Steve says:

    Love the fishing bit. quick witted and illustrates thoughts perfectly!

  • Angel Vicky says:

    Awesomeness on a stick!

  • Drew Roper says:

    Very funny, simplistic and did the job perfectly for me!

  • Alun Ward says:

    Fab humour and simplicity. Remind me not to go fishing with you.

  • Lindsey says:

    This is excellent. Beautifully understated, wistful humour… and LOVE the ticking-the-boxea youtube video!

  • Trevor Hardy says:

    Love this, nicely paced and very simple. Fantastic humour.

    A pleasure to watch.

  • cherrybomb says:

    Brilliant! Why didn’t this win?

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