Watch Films > 2013 > Treasure


by Oliver Murray

What began as a metal-detecting hobby quickly became a treasure-hunting obsession.

23 Comments for “Treasure”

  • Pam Prichard says:

    I LOVE this film. Love the story but most of all the character, what a star he is. Beautifully shot, you really feel part of it.

  • James Grayson says:

    Awww, what a lovely man. And a great film! Definitely gets my vote.

  • Pev Woodcock says:

    What a delightful film. Love the guy and the dog is terrific.

  • MARKO WALDE says:

    The time??? 90 seconds = 102 seconds ??
    1:41 = 60 seconds + 41 seconds = 101 SECONDS! > 90 seconds!
    Mon Dieu ! Ce n’est pas possible……..

  • Shavonne Konno says:

    What an insightful display of one man’s passion! Leaves you feeling all giddy and tickled inside. A joy to watch!!!

  • Lovely film, really well put together. Goodluck from a co-competitor!

  • Frank Madone says:

    very good, lovely look and story. watched a few times! Excellent work Oliver Murray!

  • Tom Inwood says:

    Love this film.

  • Richard Claydon says:

    A very human and heart-warming story, beautifully shot and edited. Superb!

  • Amanda says:

    What a charming film and an endearing character. Really felt his love for his hobby. Brilliantly edited!

  • Nick Thomson says:

    Excellent subject, beautifully shot, and makes me want a hobby.

  • John Coote says:

    Great video – I want to be a detecterist too!

  • Dan Fry says:

    What a great movie! brought a smile to my face. love the new word “detectorist”

  • Alex Warren says:

    Brilliant little doc. Beautifully shot and put together. Really interesting subject.

  • Lindsey Jones says:

    Great film about a really interesting subject, really great idea Oliver.

  • Karen says:

    Quite brilliant! I love the film’s simplicity, its charm and the passion it exudes.

  • Dima says:

    “I’m still looking and I’m still finding”. Brilliant!

  • Oli Bingham says:

    Great. Nice edit. Good luck in the competition!

  • Rachael Sheldrick says:

    Fab Film, what a lovely story…… keep it up, xx

  • Linda Wroe says:

    Lovely short film 🙂 x

  • david clark says:

    What a great short film to show off the skills ofvthis new and upcoming film maker and for my father to talk about his life long hobby and passion for metal detecting. Good luck Oliver.

  • robert hutt says:

    excellent short film.

  • Lou Harrison says:

    Loved watching Tammy and Dave’s dad in this video! Brilliant!

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