Watch Films > 2014 > La Forêt Sauvage

La Forêt Sauvage

by Joseph Wallace

There’s something sinister afoot in the forest… A greedy landowner accosts a famer, demanding that he pays the rent.

30 Comments for “La Forêt Sauvage”

  • sue buckmaster says:

    A lovely animation with Klee-like glove puppets and wonderful use of textures and piano soundscore. Great

  • peter vacz says:

    amazing atmosphere, great performance and wonderful music… congratulations, I would love to see more films like this!

  • Adam Bennett says:

    Really good short piece – well designed and paced. Great work

  • Chris Pirie says:

    Joseph has created another stunning short; atmospheric, sinister and beautifully executed. The lad done good!

  • Marc Parrett says:

    That’s rather good that is!

  • Dupuis-Henry says:

    They did it in 90 seconds ! Congratulations for this unexpected and fabulous short piece.

  • Sean Jones says:

    This is a joy to watch over and over again! Sharp, erey, and charming. Really well done Joe, Mel and Charli and all the other people involved! It’s the whole package of the music, story telling and brilliant glove puppetry that rests with you after you watch it! Yep this should definitely win!

  • Verena Stein says:

    Well done!

  • Mark Esaias says:

    The setting and cruelty reminds me of ‘There will be blood’.
    Beautiful eerie atmosphere. Such character in those faces!

  • Eavan Brennan says:

    Beautiful. Congratulations to the makers, sweet timing, perfect atmosphere great music, well done! I loved it.

  • TANNEAU says:

    j’ai éprouvé beaucoup de plaisir en visionnant ce film : je le trouve dérangeant évidemment, mais aussi très poétique et ingénieux dans sa réalisation. quant aux personnages, ils sont plein de vie et la musique me parlait.

  • Van damme says:

    Great work, good animation and soundtrack, the atmosphere is really scaring !

  • Gwilym Perry says:

    Sublime! A micro masterpiece and a sign of exciting times ahead for Joe Wallace and his talented team!

  • Thanks to everyone who has watched and rated so far, I really appreciate your support. I thought you might like to see the making of I have written about La Forêt Sauvage here:
    Please feel free to share the film on your networks.

  • Doobs says:

    A very bold and exciting piece of work from such a talented film maker and a great team of collaborators. It is dark, beautiful and eerie, and the puppets are stunningly assembled with a subtle nod to Paul Klee’s hand puppets and Svankmajer’s ‘Punch and Judy’. I can’t wait to see what he does next….

  • Matthew says:

    The shortest thriller I’ve ever seen, but one that immediately seduces you into the drama.

  • Marion says:

    Beautiful music and puppetry!

  • Sara says:

    Beautifully made film, very dark commentary on greed. The music really heightens the action.

  • Nick W says:

    Brilliant work Charlie and Joe. Captivated me

  • Bethany Norris says:

    An innovative and original piece that has been beautifully made. More please!

  • Cat Thomson says:

    Another stunner from Joe. Pure quality!

  • Katie Brayne says:

    Great use of music, and fabulous puppetry! Very enjoyable, albeit a bit sinister! Well done 🙂

  • Judith T says:

    Very dark! I love the music and the cinematography.

  • Victoria H says:

    whimsically macabre and visually imaginative, well done!

  • C Waite says:

    A quirky, artistic triumph.

  • Gaud Kaiser says:

    What a horrific story ! It’s beautiful !

  • merce tienda says:

    OH! Thank you!A nice work!

  • Juan Miguel says:

    Wonderful puppets, grate timing, beautiful darkness atmosphere, grate music, love it! nice work Darlings!

  • Superb puppetry! Brilliant work by all the artists involved. The music was also very captivating and cleverly timed with the action.
    The most important success in this short is the STYLE. Puppeteers struggle with finding their own unique style and this group has already found it. And how effective!
    This short needs to spread like wildfire!
    Congrats all! Bravo!

  • Mike says:

    Great little film, a dark tale skilfully told

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