Watch Films > 2014 > Nati


by Daniel Chisholm

Nati the 90-year-old Italian, takes a cutting from an old olive tree to make a new plant. As he works, he reflects on his life.


67 Comments for “Nati”

  • Swet Batra says:

    One is as old as he thinks. We shall learn frm Nati, the short film has so many messages for the living being. Just loved it.

  • Jamie says:

    Love it when he starts up the chainsaw! Good job brother.

  • kathleen says:

    great! health is most important than anything else, enjoy what we have and stop complaining!

  • Neil says:

    A wise Italian villager philosophy that has been beautifully & expertly crafted

  • Volker says:

    Excellent film showing what live is about in just 90 seconds!
    Well done!

  • Monika Chisholm says:

    Great film about a beautiful old am

  • Kate Hamer says:

    What a beautiful film!

  • Nina says:

    … great impression in only 90 seconds! Fantastic!

  • Alexander Boye says:

    It’s not over till the fat lady sings – or the last tree planted! Despite his age, still giving and nurturing when he could be enjoying a well-earned rest, contemplating a life lived. Well done, Daniel!

  • Dirk Rothenbusch says:

    I’m very impressed! I just came back from Luguria last night were I sampled the feeling of life in this region and saw Nati face-to-face. This film shows much more than an authentic old man and the way to plant a new olive tree. It shows the way to live a frugal life!

  • wonderfull message,beautifull pictures
    a really excellent film

  • ISABEL Lourenço says:

    A Message of hope

  • Gerhard H. Ehlers says:

    These 90 seconds make you thinking for hours. And longer.

  • Wow, impressing. It makes me wish to be as wise and agile when I am 90 years old myself!

  • colin harris says:

    Well done Daniel and the best of British(including Scotland)luck

  • Lisa Ellis says:

    A sweet film which makes you pause and take stock. Well done Mr Chisholm.

  • Oliver says:

    A sensitive portrait of this down-to-earth living, impressive old man. Photographed near, but with the essential distance to be worthy of his wisdom.

  • janet brooks says:

    This is a beautiful little film of a simple and rewarding life. Well done Daniel.

  • Richard Bardner says:

    Being 86 myself I admire the determination of the elderly peasant Wish I had it.

  • Jean Elizabeth Ash says:

    The director deftly provides penetrating insight to humanity and reveals the simplicity and beauty of life.

  • Martin says:

    Compliment! How simple life can be!

  • alba says:

    In the Mediterranean history the olive tree is a symbol for peace: the olive oil was used for the lamps for the Gods. May this movie remind us what are we human beings up to in life.

  • Silvio says:

    Touching. Can sense the earth dust while watching. Brings back my memories to grandfathers. Great job, Daniel.

  • jackie macathur says:

    “What an incredible man Nati is . Health and contentment that`s all one wants! Well done Daniel

  • Ina bärlein says:

    Sehr einfühlsamer Film über diesen ligurischen Bauern.

  • Mike Shaw says:

    Nice, simple little story. Well done !!

  • Mabel says:

    Go forth, the mass is ended! Keep going Dani,I like it.

  • Uwe Meyer says:

    Complimenti Mr. Chisholm,
    a great film, 90 seconds make you think about life and wise old Nati shows us how to do. We love him.

  • Valentina says:

    Bravo, Daniel! I remember you as a young person in Moscow… Now you are a real Master – I deeply moved how you managed to tell the truth about life in 90 seconds, with simply words but great thoughts are so evident behind.

    Monika and Mr Chisholm, I could imagine how you might be proud – congratulations!

  • Claudio says:

    Nati sei il numero 1!
    Bel video!!!

  • Dominique Beral says:

    the love and pride displayed by Nati in propagating and nurturing his new olive tree which he will not see grow to maturity is a very poetical reminder that nature will go on and be kind to us if only we respect and tend it. The simplicity and authenticity of this film shows how well atuned it is with the message of hope it conveys.

  • Rosalind Miles says:

    A most uplifting piece of filming craftsmanship! Well done Daniel! Such a clear message comes through in such a short time: the relentless strength of the human spirit that shines all the way to the twilight days of dear Nati who is a wonderful inspiration to us all. I keep wanting to hit ‘replay’!

  • Vicki Horlor says:

    Human beings and trees are all part of the circle of life, well illustrated. Well done Daniel.

  • Richard Child says:

    Beautiful film, brilliantly made. Love the final shot in particular.

  • rüdiger puck says:

    that film toeches me deep inside-wonderful!

  • rüdiger puck says:

    that fim touched me deep inside- wonderful!

  • Bert Boye says:

    Einen Moment im Leben eines alten 91-Jährigen Mannes, der noch eine Zukunftsvision hat… Einen Olivenbaum pflanzen, der erst tragen wird, wenn er nicht mehr von dieser Welt ist… Das ist Optimismus!

    Ein schöner, eindrucksvoller Film.

  • Tim says:

    Dear Daniel
    This is an exelente director job you did. I am deaply impresed.

  • Daniel Blum says:

    Very thoughtful and impressive illustration! It inspires to think about what really counts!

  • Joost says:

    Frame perfect sir. 90 seconds well spent.

  • Jerry forrester says:

    A fantastic advert for old age and not growing old too soon!

  • Barbara kloppenburg says:

    An impressing spot and very authentic! Perhaps we will meet in italy next time while I am there!

  • Kim says:

    This is a truly beautiful film on so many levels

  • Kim says:

    Veramente bellissimo! This is a truly beautiful film on so many levels

  • Ken says:

    The spirit of an inspired old man captured with insight into his way of life. Was it really only 90 seconds?

  • Tommaso says:

    He is a 91 year old athlete! Hats off!

  • Clive Pegg says:

    A very thought provoking film about an old man who is very contented with his simple way of life. Excellent film showing his work routine and a memorable closing.

  • Denise Pegg says:

    A very moving short film that captures the essence of the meaning of life for Nati. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  • Remo says:

    Complimenti a Daniel e … a NATI

  • clara says says:

    Grande Nati!!!! 91 anni e non sentirli…. uguale a trent’anni fa. COMPLIMENTI !!!!

  • DUCCIA says:

    Nati ceppo secolare come l’ulivo !!!!

  • wvg says:

    Nice Cut … Good Message !

  • Alessandra says:

    Bello!!!! Complimenti al regista e ovviamente a Nati!! #1

  • A Cat says:

    Nati in his 90’s is planting a new olive tree that will not bear fruit for the next 15 years. He is not working for his own advantage, I guess. This is a great lesson. Thank you, Nati!

  • Igor says:

    Dear Daniel,
    thank you for this short but wonderful hymn of life.
    Made me feel great and recall my grandpa.
    Hope your next movie will be at least 90 minutes long – yet as sincere, real and down to earth as this 90 seconds long “Nati”.
    Good luck!

  • Reni says:

    Oliven und Ligurien,authentischer kann man es in 90 Sekunden nicht darstellen,exzellent!

  • brimming with personality.

  • Peter says:

    Ein wirklich gelungener Film,der in Kürze so viel ausdrückt über Nati und sein Leben!

  • Neil Wilding says:

    Wisdom, peace, hope – all in 90 seconds -lovely

  • sue says:

    There are so many messages in this very short film – a lesson to all of us to be content with our lot – to do what we can do with the health that is given to us without complaining & to renew life (by planting trees for example)for future générations. Well done Daniel. I wish you luck!

  • Uschi says:

    E un film e un uomo molto simpatico e autentico! Lui e veramente un “figlio” del sua paese.

  • Sarah says:

    A strong reminder to us all that contentment is a state of mind.

  • Daniel says:

    Thank you everyone for taking the time to watch and for your kind comments! I am really touched by this great feedback! Thank you!

  • Dr. Jan Boye says:

    Lieber Daniel,
    hier hast Du in einem eindruckenden Kurzfilm gezeigt, dass ein alter Bauer es versteht, mit einfachen Mittelt einen neuen Olivenbaum zum Leben zu verhelfen.

  • Catriona says:

    There’s a man who knows what he’s doing.

  • Tim says:

    Fantastic! Great, inspiring film that anyone can take the time to watch. Sage advice from Nati. Thank you for sharing!

    I really like the simple, direct way of filming, that gives a real feeling for Nati’s hard physical work but also makes the film seem like an intimate conversation.

  • Claudio Nati says:

    Great film. What is this gentleman’s whole name?

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