Watch Films > 2016 > Pig Dream

Pig Dream

by Lee Charlish

Monsters don’t live under your bed; they live inside your head. An oneiric animation showing the descent into mental illness.

British Special Mention Award

5 Comments for “Pig Dream”

  • Meg Charlish says:

    What a wonderful imagination to put something like this together, riveting horror watch, may we see more of this work in the coming future .

  • Alan Edward says:

    This is the stuff that dreams are made of and portrays how weird nightmares can be. A really good effort at bringing the horrors that can plague the sleeper into a short, but richly illustrated and quite disturbing story.

  • Amanda Clarke says:

    I thought this was brilliant! It was really dark, chilling and very well executed. The doll was especially creepy, enough to give you nightmares. Great visuals and very atmospheric.

  • Martin Evans says:

    This is the outstanding shortlisted film for me. Cold, dark, nightmarish. I’m not sure how well I might sleep tonight now though.

  • Ralph says:

    Captured everyone’s fears, scary!!!

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