Watch Films > 2019 > Juan y las habichuelas magicas

Juan y las habichuelas magicas

by Beatrice Karpovic, UK

A dark, comedic, western style stop-animation set in mexico based on the popular tale Jack and the Beanstalk.

25 Comments for “Juan y las habichuelas magicas”

  • This was incredibly bold and ingenious, taking a popular story and making it culturally different and relevant. Well done!

  • Angie thompson says:

    Very entertaining short film with a twist well donexx

  • pete thompson says:

    Good animation in this film enjoyed the story
    well presented well done.

  • Michael Levy says:

    Super, how well done. Congratulations guys

  • Debbie white says:

    Brilliant uptake on a popular story, but with a twist, well done

  • Marie Lawson says:

    Quirky and different …..well done guys

  • Aileen Wolstenholme says:

    Excellent short film and great use of animation well done

  • Jane Bates says:

    Brilliant short film……well done

  • Sue Tozer says:

    Well done all involved…. very funny made me chuckle Xxx

  • Julie Mullins says:

    Great short film, very funny and colourful set. Well done all involved.

  • Joanne says:

    I love this video, the narrator honestly made me giggle so much and so shocked by the ending, I love the take on this classic and it’s the best short clip I’ve seen in a long time #hesbehindyou

  • Olivia Majewska says:

    Brilliant short film! Very funny and entertaining. High quality animation too. Very well done!

  • Tristan lam says:

    I loved this short film!!! It was so clever and funny. Hope to see more from you guys!

  • Martin Ross says:

    Great little animation, very nice work, well thought out and presented.

  • Excellent team work and very very funny! Brilliant!

  • Georgia Bishop says:

    Amazing! I love the style you’ve used for the figures and the animation is smooth. Good luck guys!!

  • Alero Olorogun says:

    A very entertaining and captivating short film. The use of animation was superb. Well done.

  • Classi01 says:

    Funny and dark! I liked the animation too! Welldone, Temi et al!

  • Lola Olawole says:

    Well done guys. Very funny and I love the different ending.

  • Tunde Dopemu says:

    Job well done and impressive animation.

  • Christine Sangowawa says:

    Well done guys! A fantastic effort using a well known story. I really enjoyed the animation.

  • Antonio Thompson says:

    Excellent…. animation with the narrator made the short film hilarious. Definitely keep pushing, fantastic finishing piece guys

  • Ralph Bell says:

    Very imaginative and superb animation. Humorous and original with some fresh twists.

  • Celeste says:

    Hilarious, creative stop-motion craftsmanship! Brilliant take on a classic tale showcasing lots of hard work, superb.

  • Sabinah says:

    Well captured very intriguing and brings the story to live Jack and the beanstalk
    I like the transformation in
    The character Jack well done Temi

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