Dug Out The Sounds of Bristol imageDug Out The Sounds of Bristol image

This site represents a particular vision of Bristol’s musical cultural life - it looks forward and backwards, to the future and the past, using the Dug Out club as a focus and metaphor for the peculiarities of Bristol and its creative community.

The Dug Out for many people was a unique club space inhabited by a huge variety of interesting folk from all walks of Bristol life. It was a space infused with a musical cocktail that got many a creative mind thinking about their musical experimentation. The club WAS the people who lived it, DJ’d it, got drunk in it, stuck to its carpet, met partners there, met musical collaborators there and went to and from the club to other music venues, pubs, other clubs and parties that the Bristol of the time provided.

This site provides a trip through the mythical past that was the Dug Out club and provides a vision of Bristol as a creative city by referring to THEN and NOW.

Thanks to all the artists who have contributed, Barney, Oliver Humpage and Gill Haworth, without whom this site would not have been possible. Thank you to the people of Bristol who were photographed by Kirsty and Mark.

Executive Producer
David Drake

Pete Webb

Site Design & Build

Content Digitisation
Paddy Uglow

Photography by

Kirsty Mackay
Images by Kirsty Mackay


Mark Simmons
Images by Mark Simmons

Site produced as a contribution to
Electric Pavilion
