From The Cortinas to Lunatic
Fringe and Disorder, Bristol had a huge Punk scene that
has influenced, affected and stimulated a vast range of artists that
operate in the city. Many of these artists produce music that wouldn’t
necessarily suggest a Punk heritage but scratch beneath the surface of
a lot of the major players in the Bristol milieu and you will find a
fondness for the times of `spikey barnets’, limited musical ability,
a `F*** You’ attitude and disrespect for the music industry and
its poseur hierarchy.
The Bristol Punk rock scene was a very important
part of the musical architecture of the city.
One band; Vice Squad had
contributed a song called Nothing to the Avon
Calling compilation. The track became a favourite of
John Peel, got plenty of airplay on his show and threw
the national music presses musical gaze at the band.
They were one of the more visually and musically striking
bands within Bristol’s
growing punk scene and their first single Last
Rockers started a train of events that was to lead to
a major record deal and a career that, for the bands’ frontwoman;
Beki Bondage, continues today. Vice
Squad were one of many excellent Bristol punk acts which included
in the late seventies The Cortinas and The Numbers, and
then as the 1970s became the 1980s Disorder, Lunatic Fringe, Chaos
UK, Court Martial, The Undead, Chaotic Dischord and
a band that didn’t originate from Bristol but whose main members
lived in the city The Amebix.
Bristol became very influential in the British and European anarcho-punk
scene between 1980 and 1985. Many bands from Europe came
over and played at places like the `Demolition Diner’ (a squat venue and café that
was sited on the corner of Ashley Road and the beginning of Cheltenham Road),
`Trinity’, `The Dockland Settlement’, `The Stonehouse’ and
the `Tropic Club’, whilst Bristol acts such as Disorder and Chaos
UK became popular attractions all over Europe, America and especially
Japan. Bands such as Crass, Flux of Pink Indians, The Subhumans and Conflict and
later on many US hardcore bands like MDC, Bad Brains,
Black Flag, No Means No etc all came to Bristol, forging links with the
city and individuals within it and were part of a growing underground scene.
The scene had its own lifestyle politics which included squatting and the
formation of many squatters rights groups, vegan and vegetarianism (the
growth of cafes and organic food suppliers such as Harvest Natural Foods
in Bath, the Better Food Co, Essential Foods and Nova Wholefoods in Bristol),
Anarchist politics (Class War and at some points Direct Action had a strong
base in Bristol) and even housing co-operatives (One called the `Diggers’ which got grants to buy and rent out property,
set up in Montpelier and St Paul’s). This whole scene was very much
in evidence, especially around the Montpelier, St Paul’s, St Werburghs
and Easton Areas. Animal rights also began to flourish
and groups such as the Animal Liberation Front and the Hunt Saboteurs found
many a recruit in Bristol. D and Angelo Brushini from Massive Attack, Dave McDonald
from Portishead, Rob Smith and Ray Mighty from Smith and Mighty and
Tricky were all fairly active participants in the punk scene and consumed
much of its ethos and musical sensibilities.