Frogs on the box

Stumble danceCircusA non-stop whirl of feverpitched acrobatics, cycling and hula-hoops to infuse your Thursday thinking. Let Stumble danceCircus play for 90 seconds in the Space. Stumble danceCircus presents Box of Frogs – a circus show with a difference. Five acrobats and two musicians play with the audience’s expectations of mental ill-health and performance, against a backdrop [...]
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Push Me Unlimited

A screen shot of the Watershed site featuring Push Me, the image is Sue Austin in her underwater wheelchairWe aren’t the only ones counting down – Watershed, the executive producers of PUSH ME are also on a roll, showing one PUSH ME short a day too until 2nd Dec and then hosting the cinema premiere of the documentary Total Permission at their base in Bristol.
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Pushing Simon McKeown and Motion Disabled: Unlimited

A model of a kickboxer with short arms caught whilst kicking - we see lots of versions of him as he makes a move. Text reads push me, simon mckweown, motion disabled unlimited.Monday morning – another day, another 90 second wonder, and what could start your day better than Simon Mckeown and the consideration of beauty in all forms? For digital artist Simon McKeown, the movement of disabled people is something to be celebrated, promoting diversity and difference. Motion Disabled: Unlimited invites you to find the beauty, [...]
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Pushing Ramesh Meyyappan and Skewered Snails

Ramesh Meyyappann in a head and upper body shot. His fingers are making his head look like a snail. text reads ramesh meyyappan, skewered snails, push me.Did you catch this one too? Amazing physical theatre skills, amazing ariel skills – all in all an amazing piece. Suspended high in the air on ropes, Ramesh Meyyappan talks about his latest production, Skewered Snails – the darkly comic tale of a dysfunctional family powerfully told through his extensive and imaginative physicality, and that [...]
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Pushing Claire Cunningham and Ménage à Trois.

Claire Cunningham, dancing in a slip with her crutches. Text reads menage a trois, claire cunningham, push me.Remember this one? Beautiful movement captured beautifully. Claire Cunningham turns her crutches in to exquisite partners in her darkly humorous and deeply personal portrait, Ménage à Trois. This film is a taster, atmospherically exposing her signature movement skills in a dim underground basement of The Arches, Glasgow. Go on. It’s only 90 seconds (you’ve got [...]
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