What is Rife?
What is Rife? Rife is widespread, full of life, universal… Rife is everywhere.
Rife magazine is a brand new online platform from Bristol’s young people, for Bristol’s young people. The #bristoltakeover is here.
We are Rife Magazine, an online platform by young people for young people, covering, events, local news and social issues. A partnership between Watershed and Bristol Youth Links, Rife currently employs four young journalists to curate the online magazine and ensure the stories are relevant and interesting to other young people like them.
Through a mixture of blogs, vlogs, articles, videos, podcasts and social media activity, these four journalists – comedian Little Ryan, videographer Shin_LoveLife, YouTuber Jon Aitken and social commentator Adibah Iqbal — will cover what Bristol youth culture has to offer. Their job — go out into Bristol and find contributors, stories and angles and present them with authenticity.
The #BristolTakeover is here.