Six Ways to Become an Actual Angel this Christmas

Christmas is definitely a time for giving, but it’s not all about Furbies and PS4s under the Christmas tree. Here’s Sammy Jones’ festive charity round-up. Dig deep, people.
We’re no strangers to charity in Bristol- it’s hard not to be when there’s at least three chuggers lying in wait behind every other dustbin. But there are some super legit charities doing some incredible work in Bristol and beyond this Christmas. Here’s a few to start you off, you big old philanthropist, you.

Consenting to a level of intimacy, being drunk, being married… none of these things should equal rape. Using a hard-hitting mix of Twitter and IRL Bristol billboards, This is Not An Excuse works in partnership with BAVA to make sexual consent clear. They strive to make the scars left by sexual abuse a thing of the past.
You might take a Christmas with the fam for granted, but for others it’s not that easy. Refuge is a charity that supports and protects domestic violence victims. You can help them on their journey to a safe space this Christmas by buying a gift for the children left traumatised by domestic violence, or choosing from the other essential packages available online.
Getting a bit jolly after a few Christmas bevvies is all part of the fun, right? Not when you’re thinking about driving in the car straight after, it isn’t. Fifty years of THINK!’s drunk-driving Christmas campaigns have taken nothing from their relevance and poignancy.

Do you put the ‘fun’ in fundraiser? Hahaha… ha. Barnado’s are asking for 100 bringers of joy to help them achieve their goal: helping vulnerable children across the UK over Christmas this year. You can get involved in any way you feel you know how- ideas include mince pie bake-offs, Christmas jumper days and going barefoot for a few days (?!?). You can sign up for an ever-so festive fundraising pack here.

Finally, what the world’s been waiting for: a worthy excuse to showboat around the kitchen waving a spatula around and setting fire to things. Dinner 4 Good is like a charitable Come Dine with Me. Forget throwing yourself out of a plane, bungee-jumping or walking over hot coals: all you have to raise cash for your fave chazza is get some mates round and stuff your faces. Sweet. To make it Bristolian, you can go for Independent People, a charity supporting vulnerable 16 to 25 year-olds.

Newsflash: angels are real and they run this charity. Opening on Christmas Eve and staying open all the way to New Year’s Day, Caring at Christmas takes in homeless people and provides them with a warm, safe place to stay, hot food, entertainment and essential medical care all through the festive period. Fancy becoming one of the extremely angelic volunteers this year and earning enough good karma to last you all of 2015? Hit it here. You can also donate goods here, if you’ve got stuff to spare.
Are you lending a hand to those in need this Xmas? Have we missed any particularly worthy causes? Let us know on Twitter or on Facey B