Contentertainment 2012
Digital technology has been used creatively for many years now to create new kinds of entertaining content, but still new formats and distribution models continue to appear. This talk looks at apps and storybooks related to animated content, exploring the new opportunities on these platforms for animators, writers and illustrators, and examines how existing content can be given an extended life on these interactive platforms.
A panel of experienced content creators share their stories of working with these blossoming digital platforms, discussing both previous experiences and future plans.
Matt Wasser is owner of Frosby, a company creating learning apps for children and original e-books for the iPad, iPhone, Android devices and Amazon's Kindle Fire.
Julia Scott Russell is a British actor, voice over artist and BBC trained presenter who has worked as a voice actor for Frosby.
Ben Trewhella is Managing Director of Opposable Games, a company which develops connected games for mobile handsets and social networks.
James Huggins is Managing Director of Made in Me, a company that makes award-winning children's games, apps, books and toys.
Posted on Wed 19 Sept 2012.