Patience (After Sebald) - Director's Q&A

WG Sebald is a German author and academic, who died in 2001 aged 57 in a motor accident. At the time of his death Sebald, who spent much of his career teaching at the University of East Anglia, was cited by many literary critics as one of the greatest living authors. Lauded as one of Europe’s most important writers, Sebald has frequently been compared with the likes of Franz Kafka, Vladimir Nabokov, and Marcel Proust.

His novel, The Rings of Saturn follows the narrator’s thoughts and memories as he embarks on a walking tour of Suffolk. Sebald’s protagonist is a flaneur of sorts, strolling with philosophical intent, savouring and experiencing the landscape in a cogitative fashion. The landscape of Suffolk is literally the fertile earth from which Sebald’s lyrical ruminations about war, death, destruction, and decay spring.

The novel’s focus on the effect of place on consciousness has influenced a number of writers connected to the Psychogeography movement, including Will Self, who cites Sebald as a major influence. The novel has also inspired a feature-length documentary, Patience (After Sebald), which explores the themes of the novel and features interviews with friends, students, and admirers of his work.

In this event recording, director of Patience (After Sebald) Grant Gee in conversation with Rich Warren, Programme Coordinator at Encounters, discusses the film, The Rings of Saturn, and answers audience questions.

Grant Gee is director and cinematographer whose work includes Meeting People is Easy (1998), Joy Division (2006), and Western Lands (2007).

Presented as part of New British Cinema Quarterly in partnership with Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival.

Related Links:
Patience (After Sebald) Guardian Review

Posted on Tue 7 Feb 2012.

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