The Red Stone: Director's Q&A

Taking its title from the characteristic red stone with which many of Jerusalem's historic buildings are built, Ahmad Damen's investigative documentary focuses on Palestinian areas of West Jerusalem that were depopulated in 1948.

While tracking the architectural and family histories of these splendid properties, The Red Stone introduces the buildings' current occupants, the Israeli real estate companies trading in their "exotic" appearances, and the original owners many of whom are now barred from their homes.

The journey reveals the stories of Palestinians who are still deeply attached to their family houses, and their unprecedented individual efforts to reclaim their property that was taken from them back in 1948 when many Palestinians were dispossessed to make way for the creation of the State of Israel.

In this post-screening Q&A David Owen, Director of the Bristol Palestine Film Festival speaks to Ahmad Damen about the personalities of the people he met, their tragic cases and how he explored and captured them on film. He also speaks openly about representation of refugees in the media, the mistakes the media make, and how much he learnt in the process.

This event was presented as part of Bristol Palestine Film Festival 2013.

Posted on Sun 8 Dec 2013.

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