Town of Runners Director's Q&A

Bekoji is a small town in central Ethiopia that sits approximately 10,000 above seal level and has an average temperature of 66 degrees. There is a population of around 17,000 – 25 of which are car owners – and despite the arid appearance the fertile red ochre soil grows everything from oil seeds, coffee, tea, and spices, to sugar cane, cotton, and cereals. But this is not what makes Bekoji unique. This tiny town is the fastest place on earth.

Home to a number of world famous athletes including Derartu Tulu, the Bekele brothers Kenenisa and Tariku, Fatuma Roba, the Dibaba sisters Ejegayehu, Tirunesh and Genzebe, and Mestawet Tufa, Bekoji’s proliferation of world-class athletes has attracted increasing interest from the world’s media. Just what is it about this small town the produces such a relatively large number of the world’s most gifted runners? 

Town of Runners is a feature documentary that explores Bekoji’s incredible running tradition. Filmed over four years, the film follows the lives of two of the town’s young Olympic hopefuls - Hawii and Alemi - as they struggle to realise their sporting dreams.

In this post-screening Q&A, the film’s director Jerry Rothwell answers audience questions and speaks to Afrika Eye Film Festival director Simon Bright and Peninah Achieng of the African Voices Forum about his experience of making the film, the culture of the town, and the different factors that could be responsible for Bekoji’s incredible sporting tradition.

Related Links:
Afrika Eye Film Festival

Posted on Sat 14 July 2012.

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