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  Real: Directors Q&A

Posted on Tue 15 Sept 2020

In this Watershed Director's Q&A, British director, writer, actor and more, Aki Omoshaybi discusses his debut feature film Real.

  September 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 27 Aug 2020

In this month's podcast Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, shares the background to his thinking about the films he is putting on for Watershed's reopening in September, and shares upcoming highlights.

  August 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 30 July 2020

This month we take a pause in our monthly podcast as we prepare for re-opening.

  July 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Tue 30 June 2020

Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, looks forward to welcoming audiences back to Watershed Cinemas in September and highlights two films to look out for online this month.

  June 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Tue 26 May 2020

In June's podcast Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, considers whether, when people talk of the acute challenges now facing the arts sector, whether film is included in that and ponders when does film become art?

  May 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Wed 29 April 2020

Mark Cosgrove, Watershed Cinema Curator, discusses the existential crisis that he feels is now facing cinema and shares his pick of the upcoming films streaming online.

  April 2020 Cinema podcast

Posted on Tue 31 March 2020

In these extraordinary times which have seen Watershed close its building and cancel all film screenings, our programmers Mark and Thea share pointers to films easily available online and which are, more often than not, free to view.

  Other Animals

Posted on Tue 3 March 2020

Watershed/MAYK 2020 Winter Residency Robbie Thomson talks about his series of public interventions which use soft robotic sculptures to raise awareness of local ecological issues and the wider climate crisis.

  Building a Martian House

Posted on Sun 1 March 2020

Watershed/MAYK 2020 Winter Residency artists Ella Good and Nicki Kent on their project to Build a Martian House.

  March 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 27 Feb 2020

Coming up in March 2020 there's is plenty to get your eyes and ears into in cinema at Watershed.

  February 2020 Cinema Podcast

Posted on Thu 30 Jan 2020

Cinema highlights coming up at Watershed Cinemas in February 2020, including Parasite, Japanese films season and Portrait of a Lady on Fire.