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  Unplayable Cities: Miguel Sicart

Posted on Mon 27 Nov 2017

Teacher of play, author and academic Miguel Sicart considers what make an unplayable city and proposes an alternative understanding of the role of play in modern urban living.

  Slavery on Screen

Posted on Tue 7 Nov 2017

Dr Edson Burton and Adam H. Murray hold an open discussion about filmic depictions of slavery following a screening of 12 Years a Slave.

  February 2012 Watershed Podcast

Posted on Mon 6 Nov 2017

Introducing filmic. Creators Mark Cosgrove (Watershed) and Phil Johnson (St George's) introduce and discuss the 2012 festival in this special audio recording.

  November 2017 Watershed Podcast

Posted on Wed 1 Nov 2017

A season of films, and a family event, based on Japanese Animé are the topics for discussion in this month's podcast.

  Mindhorn: Julian Barratt in Conversation

Posted on Tue 3 Oct 2017

Following a screening of off-the-wall British comedy Mindhorn, Actor and Writer Julian Barratt (Mighty Boosh) talks about the writing and making of the film, how it came together and the long journey involved.

  Daphne: Directors Q&A

Posted on Tue 3 Oct 2017

Director Peter Mackie Burns discusses Daphne, his striking drama which follows the life of an early-thirties Londoner who goes off the rails after witnessing a random act of violence.

  October 2017 Watershed Podcast

Posted on Thu 28 Sept 2017

October 2017's podcast focusses on the upcoming Festival of the Future City at Watershed.

  Philip French Annual Memorial Lecture 2017: Mark Kermode

Posted on Mon 4 Sept 2017

The Philip French Annual Memorial Lecture sees a key figure in the film world reflect on the qualities film critic French stood for, to examine current developments in film culture and the role of film critics today. 2017's lecture was given by writer and broadcaster Mark Kermode.

  September 2017 Watershed Podcast

Posted on Thu 31 Aug 2017

September sees the arrival of the 23rd Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival at Watershed.

  Slavery and Public History

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

This post-screening discussion focused on how 12 Years a Slave compares to the historical context of the slave trade.

  The Red Stone: Director's Q&A

Posted on Thu 10 Aug 2017

Ahmad Damen, Director of The Red Stone, speaks about filming this emotive documentary.