From dream to reality: Bringing your short film ideas to life

From dream to reality: bringing your short film ideas to life

BFI Film Academy Labs | From dream to reality: bringing your short film ideas to life

Taking a film from a bolt of inspiration to a streamlined concept can be daunting. You’ve got an idea that you think might make a great short film, but what are the next steps? The June BFI Film Academy Lab was all about generating, developing and presenting your short film ideas.

This masterclass was led by our resident script doctors, Theresa Boden and Gabriella Apicella. Theresa and Gabs chatted through the steps needed to develop your idea, including designing characters, deciding on story structure, theme and genre, and refining your tone.

They explained the differences between a short film idea and a feature film idea. They also explained the process of making mood boards and pitch decks, and why they’re so useful for filmmakers to develop ideas, establish a visual language, and attract funding for projects.

This event was part of the Storytelling strand of BFI Film Academy Labs 2021/22.

Click here to see the full programme of upcoming national Labs events here.

BFI Film Academy Labs

BFI Film Academy Labs are practical online sessions led by industry professionals with a focus on explaining the specifics of working in the screen industries. Sessions can take many formats: masterclasses, panel discussions, interviews or workshops. The Labs are programmed across three strands: Storytelling, Business of Film and Career Ladder.