SCENE at Wellington Film Festival

30 Sep 2022

The first screening of our SCENE programme will be taking place at the end of September in Wellington, Somerset as part of Wellington Film Festival!

1hr 30mins

St John’s Church, Wellington

Our Scene screenings will kick off later this month as part of the first Wellington Film Festival, delivered by Somerset Film. You’ll be able to catch our programme of 14 short films made by young filmmakers from across the South West which range from animation to period drama and experimental documentary. And with the screening taking place in a church, it’s going to be a bit more special than sitting down in another black box of a cinema!

After the screening, we’re really excited to have Hector Bell, who directed Coming to Light join us for a Q&A about his film.

The films screening in the programme are:

City Fishing
dir. Bear Behind You, 3’
Boredom can make people do a lot of strange things, like try and save the world.

Awake in the Evening
dir. Alister Malcolm, 2’
I made this while awake in the evening. When I can’t fall asleep, I’ve been up late just shooting things, this is the result.

dir. Georgia Gregory-Morris, 1’
A skirmish in the sitting room. Lamp wants to stay alight. Gardener thrives in darkness.

dir. Lucy Werrett, 10’
A look back at the mental shifts that occurred in the first lockdown. Narrated by a patchwork of anonymous voices.

dir. Amber Clarke-McGrath, 1’
A young woman decides whether she wants to shave her armpit hair or dye it, helped by her inner feminist persona.

Above the Skin
dir. BFI Film Academy Bristol 2021 cohort, 6’
Above the skin is where clothes rest, and where our inner selves interact with the wider world.

dir. May Tyler, 1’
Mixes live-action & animation to explore the obsession the filmmaker had with her bones during her eating disorder.

Coming to Light
dir. Hector Bell, 10’
Aaron is trying to come to terms with the child sexual abuse he suffered but the trauma has manifested itself as a monster.

dir. Ella McDonald, 5’
A poetic dance film that follows the journey of a survivor experiencing domestic emotional abuse.

dir. Courtney Knowles, 10’
In a female-run dystopia where men have been enslaved as pieces of furniture, Delilah visits the controlled birthing facility.

dir. Kieran Wall, 6’
In rural 1950s Ireland, Emer’s only daughter is rushed away to hospital after being badly beaten by her teacher.

These Lines that Divide Us
dir. Cameron Stolber, 8’
Whether hung out a window or waved during a match, does your opinion of the St. George’s Cross stay the same?

dir. Monica Wat, 2
’After a series of microaggressions and remarks, a student begins to assimilate into British culture by trying different food.

My Favourite Hill!
dir. Christopher Childs, 4’
A group of factory workers become obsessed with a hill.

BFI Film Academy Labs

BFI Film Academy Labs are practical online sessions led by industry professionals with a focus on explaining the specifics of working in the screen industries. Sessions can take many formats: masterclasses, panel discussions, interviews or workshops. The Labs are programmed across three strands: Storytelling, Business of Film and Career Ladder.