16-19 Youth Engagement Scheme


Film Hub South West and Into Film are inviting Film Hub South West members to take part a new 16-19 Youth Engagement Scheme taking place during Autumn 2019.


Following the 2018-19 Into Film 16-19 FAN Consultation Pilot that took place across England, Into Film are inviting members of Film Hub South West to take part in this year’s project.

There are two places available on this scheme.

Participating venues, festivals and film societies will benefit from the delivery support of an Into Film Programme Delivery Coordinator (PDC) based in their region who will commit to delivering at least three instances of engagement over the Autumn term 2019. The project aims to support in one or more of the following areas, which will be decided in consultation with your PDC.

  • Mystery shopper – feedback on venue and offer
  • Film marketing – looking at social media and marketing channels
  • Cinema ticket offers/loyalty schemes for young people
  • Working with existing young programmers group to add value & insight
  • Workshops on a particular theme of the venue/organisation’s choosing


Recruitment for the project will take place over the summer months with an aim to have FAN members selected by October 1st. The three workshops or instances of engagement will happen before March 1st 2020.


Into Film aims, through this project, to provide participating FAN members with feedback directly from a group of young people aged 16-19 years, to help develop their offer in a range of different areas.


How do I apply?

Interested Hub members can complete the online form below to register their interest in the project. This will be followed up with a call/meeting to discuss finer details including venue/organisation commitment, safeguarding requirements and evaluation methods.

Before you apply you, please download and read the guidelines below.



  • Guidelines for Into Film & FHSW Youth Engagement support Download
Into Film has actually made it easy to create a really great connection with a group of students who we can now work with as Young Programmers. When you work in a tiny organisation, with few resources and little time, Into Film can bridge the gap and get things started - and that is the bit that often feels like it's too much hard work - and them we could just step in and help out. I would highly recommend making that connection with Into Film. There is so much more than the schools film festival on offer. Anna Navas, Plymouth Arts Centre

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