April Members Meet Up – Online

  • Thu 28 April, 2022

    April Members Meet Up – Online


Keeping in touch and connecting with one another as we navigate through exhibition at this time is really important and Film Hub South West hold these meet ups as a regular space for members to come together and share.

For April, we will be joined by Into Film’s Oliver Loveday and The Box Plymouth’s Chloe Hughes; as they will share current opportunities to collaborate with each organisation for upcoming projects as FEF and Major Programmes funding is currently open.

Whether you have attended every meet up, none, or a number in between we welcome all staff from member organisations to Members Meet up’s, on the last Thursday of the month, between 10.30 am and 12.00 pm.

Join us this April to discuss upcoming funding and box office figures for the financial year ahead. If there is any other business you would like us to discuss or share, please get in touch with Neil Ramjee at filmhub@watershed.co.uk ahead of time.

Register here

Please note this meeting will be recorded, purely for the purpose of other members to catch up – and it will not be shared any further.

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