Beyond Boundaries 360 – Event Producing

  • Sun 3 Nov, 2019

    Beyond Boundaries 360 – Event Producing

    Pervasive Media Studio

This workshop is part of Beyond Boundaries 360, a FREE skills development programme aimed at individuals based in the South West who feel under-represented in the cinema sector. Delivered over 6 months Beyond Boundaries 360 is designed to help you develop your practice as a film curator, programmer or event producer, giving you the skills and confidence to plan and deliver public-facing film events. Bursaries are available to help with travel and child care costs.

In the second workshop of the series, the focus will be on Event Producing and the practical steps required to make your film event ideas a reality.

During this workshop we will hear from guest speakers:


Maddy Probst

Maddy is the Managing Producer for Film Hub South West and Watershed.  She joined Watershed 15 years ago and is an experienced Producer of film events, talent and people with extensive experience of advocating for the cinema sector regionally, nationally and internationally. In her capacity as Vice President of Europa Cinemas, she plays an advocacy role for the cinema sector internationally and has directed several Audience Development Innovation Labs for cinema practitioners across the world.


Liz Chege

Liz Chege is a film programmer, critic and curator. She co-founded the Come the Revolution collective and most recently, was the programme producer of “No Direct Flight”, a cross-media exploration of global African diaspora moving-image makers that looks at how the internet and digital world has shaped diaspora cultures and aesthetics.



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