Beyond Boundaries 360 – Marketing & Social Media

  • Sun 12 Jan, 2020

    Beyond Boundaries 360 – Marketing & Social Media

    Pervasive Media Studio

This workshop is part of Beyond Boundaries 360, a FREE skills development programme aimed at individuals based in the South West who feel under-represented in the cinema sector. Delivered over 6 months Beyond Boundaries 360 is designed to help you develop your practice as a film curator, programmer or event producer, giving you the skills and confidence to plan and deliver public-facing film events. Bursaries are available to help with travel and child care costs.

In the fourth workshop of the series, the focus will be on Marketing and Social Media, helping you to plan out a marketing and communications strategy for your film event, season or film club to reach out to your target audience.

The day will kick off with a screening of short films from Feminista Film Festival, sharing the most inspiring stories about women and girls around the world.  (Each month we screen a film or programme of shorts with a particular focus to discuss during the workshop.)

Following the screening we will catch up with all participants of Beyond Boundaries 360 on their projects so far and hear from guest speaker, Timon Singh.

Timon Singh

Timon Singh is from Bristol and has a background in copywriting and digital marketing. He is now Campaigns Manager (Marketing, Communication and Audiences) for the BFI Film Audience Network (FAN), leading on communication and brand strategy for the network as well as the support for new film releases across the UK.

He has spent the past 6 years hosting several film nights in Bristol including the Bristol Bad Film Club which screens a mixture of curios and films that are “so bad, they’re great”. All profits from the events go to a different charity each month and as of 2018, the BBFC has raised over £30,000 for local causes, as well as hosting a number of UK premieres and even the cult stars like Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero.
Ti has also just published his first book, Born To Be Bad: Talking to the greatest villains in action cinema (perfect as a gift for every member of the family), and is currently a writer/producer on the forthcoming documentary film In Search of the Last Action Heroes.
10.10 – 11.45: Film Screening in Watershed Cinema 2: The Feminista Film Festival Touring Programme
11:45 – 12.30: Roundtable catch up in Pervasive Media Studio
12.30 – 13:00: Lunch provided
13.00 – 14.45: 
Ti Singh – Social Media 101
15.00 – 16.15: Creating a marketing strategy
16.15 – 16.45: Next steps
16.45:  Hometime





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