BFI NETWORK South West Connect & Collaborate

  • Sat 29 Feb, 2020

    BFI NETWORK South West Connect & Collaborate


The BFI NETWORK South West Connect & Collaborate is an exciting new opportunity for writers and directors in the region to meet with local producers.

Jon Craig Photos

Are you looking for a producer for your project?


Are you a producer looking to develop your slate and work with exciting new talent in the region?


South West Connect & Collaborate could be for you!  Read on for full details and how to apply:


Bringing together South West based producers and writers / writer – directors working in short film, this event will allow filmmaking talent seeking a producer to discuss their projects with regional producers who are looking to take on new projects and develop their slate.


This is a space to network and explore potential new collaborations.


The event is designed for short film writers and directors looking to connect with producers, and for producers looking to take on new projects and develop their slate.


Saturday 29th February


11am – 2pm


Watershed, Bristol


3 February. Selected filmmakers notified by 21 February. BFI NETWORK won’t be able to offer feedback and will only contact the selected filmmakers.  Please make sure if you apply you are definitely available to take part on the above date.



Applicants must be permanently based in the South West, be aged over 18 and not in full time education.



Writers & Writer / Directors –
Use the google form to upload a script (can be at draft stages) AND / OR a treatment for maximum one project – must be an original idea, not an adaptation, fiction and 15 minutes maximum. If your application is successful this project will be shared with producers in advance of the event and you will discuss it with producers on the day.


Producers –
Use the google form to share a link to your website and/or upload a biog explaining why you want to take part.


Applicants may apply to BFI NETWORK for a travel bursary to cover travel costs if travelling from outside of Bristol.


Please note, BFI NETWORK are more than happy to provide additional access support to filmmakers wishing to attend one of our events or training. If you have any specific needs, for example require a BSL interpreter, please contact us in advance of the event and we will endeavour to arrange this for you. You can reach us on or call us on  0117 927 510


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